Facebook’s donate button has helped to raise more than $10m for victims of Hurricane Harvey.
The donation tools that enable people to donate from within Facebook have been available in the US since 2015m.
The success that US charities have had makes Facebook’s recent announcement that they’re starting to roll-out their Charitable Giving Tools products to new markets really exciting!
Facebook has just announced that they’re launching Charitable Giving Tools in Ireland, the UK and the rest of Europe. Testing will start from the end of September and roll-out to more European countries from early October.
Here’s a quick run down on what we think the biggest opportunities are.
Collect Donations Within Facebook
One of the biggest steps forward is the ability for charities to collect donations from within Facebook by displaying a donate button alongside posts, videos of live broadcasts. This vastly reduces the friction experienced when directing potential supporters outside of Facebook and onto your own donation pages.
We’ve seen first hand the success that many organisations have had with Facebook’s “lead ads” product where people can enquire about a product/service from within Facebook – with conversion rates 4x those we’ve seen in comparison to directing people to an external landing page, so we’re expecting similarly big things when it comes to being able to donate from within Facebook.
Live Video Fundraisers
More and more people are using Facebook Live to share their experiences as they happen, this powerful tool has been available for all to use for some time. With the roll-out of the Facebook Charitable Giving Tools it’ll be possible to embed a donate button within your live feed and make it really easy for your supporters to act.
What Does it Cost?
Facebook charge a 5% processing fee for all donations that it processes. We believe that this is a modest price to pay when compared to the increased reach and massively reduced friction. Facebook state that of this fee, 3.5% covers the costs of nonprofit vetting, fraud protection, operational costs and payment support. The remaining 1.5% covers payment processing.
The fee is a small price to pay for the massive reduction in friction that your supporters will experience when supporting your cause.
When Will Charitable Giving Tools Be Available In Australia & New Zealand?
There’s no word on when the tool kit will be available to charities in Australia and New Zealand and across the Asia Pacific region, however, we’ll be following developments closely. For now, make sure you’re maximising your fundraising impact on Facebook by requesting a no obligation social media review from one of our ninjas.
More information on Facebook’s charitable giving tools is available from the official site here. Get more information on digital fundraising here.